Episode 3: Stop The Attack On The Divine Feminine
NOTE FOR PARENTS: There are some F bombs in this episode along with a few statements about orgasms and sex. Listen first before deciding the age appropriateness of your own children.
In this episode, Liana discusses a disturbing trend meant to degrade women based on their appearance. It is the trend of "embracing natural beauty" which in and of itself could be a wonderful thing for women who have never felt good enough.
For women who feel like a slave to their beauty routines and rituals, letting some or all of that go in favor of nothing, can be very liberating and wonderful. FOR THEM.
But the hidden misogynistic messaging inherent in this "movement" is that women who choose to adorn their bodies with beautiful clothing, dye their hair, wear makeup or get their nails done, are somehow "less virtuous."
This "trend" of trying to control women's attire through shaming, (whether overt of covert) religious dogma and cult lingo isn't new at all. In fact, Liana describes in detail the origins of this oppression of the Divine Feminine all the way back to Biblical times.